GeNext 180

GeNext 180

Our team of dedicated volunteers are determined to support young people and children in our community to turn their lives around for good and for the Kingdom of God. Over the years many of our children & young people have gone on to either make a difference for the Lord locally or elsewhere. We believe that our children & young people are the leaders of today and tomorrow and we encourage children & young people actively to use their gifting in ministry.

Young Adults
Ignite your passion for faith, community, and purpose with Firestarters, the Young Adults group at Church 180. Designed for those aged 18-30, Firestarters is a vibrant space where young adults come together to grow spiritually, connect deeply, and make a difference. Don't forget its £2 for food every Thursday at 19:00 pm see you there.

180 KIDS
180 KIDS is our Children's Outreach Ministry (Years 1 - 6) which reaches out into the surrounding community with the love of Jesus. Every Friday night from 6:30pm during school term time 180 KIDS meets to reach out to children through games, high energy activities, worship and bible teaching. Each week costs £1 per child and 50p for siblings. Most of the children come from Kings Ash Academy but other schools are represented as well.

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